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Tonawanda American Little League

Tonawanda American Little League

2024 TALL AA (7-8 yrs) House Rules

If your game cannot begin within 1/2 hour of its schedule start time, the game will be called a rain-out.

• No new inning shall start two (2) hours after the game’s start time.

• Defense is played with ten (10) players in the field, including four (4) outfielders.  The coaches and commissioner may agree to use more outfielders prior to the start of the season but no more than five (5) are allowed to be used.  Any additional players must sit that inning. 

• Defensive substitutions will be made at the coach's discretion.  However each player must play in the field for at least three (3) innings.

• If you are short players for a game (meaning you only have eight (8) players), you may bring any other 7-8 year old playing in the Tonawanda American Little League for that game. The substitute must bat last in the order and play in right field for the entire game.  If you have two (2) substitutes the second sub must bat second to last and play another outfield position.

• Leadoffs or stealing are NOT allowed.

• Sliding into first base is prohibited. A player sliding into first base will be called out.  Additionally, no head first slides are allowed at any base.

• The infield fly rule is NOT in effect.

• The batting team may score a MAXIMUM of five (5) runs per inning.  The last inning is unlimited.

• Every player MUST be in the batting order.

•All plays will end when the ball is fielded cleanly in the outfield and the attempt to throw the ball into the infield is made. When this happens all runners must stay at the base they are currently at or already in the process of running to.  A play can be made on any base runner making an attempt to reach the base they are currently running to when the throw to the infield is made. Coaches are responsible for enforcing and not abusing the base running rules. 

• There is no bunting allowed in AA

• The HOME team is responsible for setting up the pitching machine and the cleanup of the pitching machine.


• Each child will get three (3) strikes OR five (5) pitches. 

• If a batter swings and miss on three (3) of the first four (4) pitches they are out just like in regular baseball.  There are NO WALKS.

• If the batter does not swing on first four (4) pitches they have to make an attempt on the fifth and final pitch. On the fifth pitch the umpire will alert the coach at the pitching machine, if that pitch is a swing and a miss regardless of the count, the batter is out. If the batter does not swing, they are out. They can only continue their at bat if the ball is hit into foul territory. As long as a batter makes contact with the ball from pitch number five (5) on, then they will continue to bat until the ball is missed or put into play.

  • The pitching machine speed, position, or location should not be changed until any full inning is completed. Both team must use the machine as is before any change is made.
  • Pitching machine is set to 35mph for all AA House games. IF coaches agree on different speed, the agreed upon speed may be applied.
  • If you are unsure on how to set up the pitching machine please contact the commissioner and they will show you how to set it up.
  • Balls used MUST be the official game balls.
  • A “no pitch” will be called and not counted when a pitch is completely obscure and not hittable, and the batter does not swing.  Example: The pitch is completely over the batters head or the pitch hits the ground before home plate.

• The baseballs will be inserted into the pitching machine by the batting team's coach. The coach must stay on the mound at all times and may never touch the ball until all plays and advancements are over.  Coaches must assist in:

  • Ensuring the pitching machine is throwing the ball over the plate and within the strike zone (relatively);
  • To call no pitch or strikes;
  • To observe plays on the bases and make the calls for the base play (if there is no umpire).

• If the batter hits the ball and hits the pitching machine, the cord, a bucket of balls, or the coach feeding the machine, the ball is called dead immediately and the batter will be awarded first base.  Runners that are on the base will advance one, base even if no force is in effect.

• A batter and all base runners may advance at their own risk a maximum of one (1) additional base regardless of the number of overthrows during any at bat. No scoring allowed on an overthrow to 3rd base (after a play at 3rd base). Coaches may agree to amend this rule before the game and disallow any advance on an overthrow on any given play.

• All other typical rules of baseball are to be adhered to (i.e. a runner being tagged up is out, a runner hit by a batted ball is out, a runner overrunning second or third base may be tagged out, etc.).

• In the event of rain fall or the fields being wet the pitching machine will no longer be used after the attempt to cover pitching machine with umbrella is made. Game play may only continue as coach pitch after this (for safety reasons). The decision to convert to coach pitch due to rain or wet fields will only be made by a board member present at the field, the commissioner or the coaches.  The coaches responsible for throwing the pitches are the coach whose team is batting.  The throws must maintain at the similar speed each pitch and in the strike zone.

Coach Conduct - There is a Zero Tolerance Rule in effect.  Any manager or coach that behaves in a manner determined to be detrimental to the Little League value system that TALL adheres to will be removed from the current game and automatically suspended for one game, further actions could result as well. This serves as your formal warning.  Examples are listed below but are not all inclusive.

1. Swearing

2. Umpire Abuse

3. Confrontation with other team personnel

4. Appearing under the influence of drugs or alcohol

Remember you are the example to your players on how adults should conduct themselves not only in game situations but also in confrontation. Lead by example!!

Parent Conduct - Managers are responsible for the conduct of the parents and fans, if you have an issue and need assistance in addressing said person please contact a board member and we will help.  This is to be a "fun and competitive" atmosphere, we all know it can get out of hand.  Our mission is to address it on the front end and avoid those situations.

Protesting Games - 4.19 of the Little League rule book.

Protest shall be considered only when based on the violation or interpretation of a playing rule, use of an ineligible pitcher or the use of an ineligible player.


The board of directors reserves the right to amend these rules at any point in the season.  Also, any director present at a game may alter these rules for the benefit and/or safety of the players based on weather conditions, field conditions, delays, or any other exceptional circumstances.  This is to be a learning experience and a whole lot of fun for the kids! Winning should not be a priority.

If there are any questions pertaining to these or any other rules, please contact the Commissioner, League President, or other board member.

Thank you for volunteering your time to coach our young players!  The kids and the board of directors appreciate it!


Tonawanda American Little League
39 Frances Street 
Tonawanda, New York 14150

Email: [email protected]

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